Sabtu, 05 Desember 2020

Tugas 1 [ Softskill ]

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 


Nama           : Hanny Permana Putri

NPM            : 22217663

Kelas           : 4EB01

Produk         : Lampu Philips dengan teknologi Li-Fi

[Internet Berbasis Cahaya – Lampu yang Mengubah Gelombang Cahaya menjadi Koneksi Internet]


Lampu Philips dengan Teknologi Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)

[Mengubah Gelombang Cahaya menjadi Koneksi Internet]


Deskripsi Produk

Philips berhasil memperkenalkan produk inovasi terbaru, yaitu Lampu dengan teknologi Li-Fi atau Teknologi Internet Berbasis Cahaya. Lampu ini menggunakan gelombang cahaya untuk menyebarkan koneksi internet. Produk ini pertama kali diluncurkan di negara Jerman dan membawa respon yang positif dari masyarakat Jerman.

Produk Philips ini berbeda dengan lampu pada umumnya, yang hanya berfungsi sebagai penerangan. Lampu Philips dilengkapi dengan teknologi baru, yaitu “Teknologi Li-Fi“. Teknologi Li-Fi ini memanfaatkan gelombang cahaya untuk menyebarkan koneksi internet. Jadi, perangkat Anda akan terkoneksi dengan internet selama Anda berada di area yang diterangi oleh Lampu Philips Li-Fi tersebut. Pada dasarnya teknologi Li-Fi memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan Wi-Fi, yaitu untuk menyebarkan koneksi internet ke perangkat lain tanpa kabel atau wireless. Namun berbeda dengan Wi-Fi yang menggunakan gelombang radio, teknologi Li-Fi menggunakan gelombang cahaya untuk menyebarkan koneksi internet.

Lampu Philips dengan teknologi Li-Fi ini menghadirkan koneksi internet dan cahaya yang stabil, dengan kecepatan internet hingga 150 Mbps. Lampu Philips ini juga memiliki design yang elegan dan modern. Dengan harga yang terjangkau dan cahaya yang lebih terang dibandingkan lampu merk lainnya.

Selain itu, Lampu Philips ini bisa menghemat hingga 80% penggunaan listrik dan juga tahan lama. Philips juga menyediakan fasilitas garansi pemakaian hingga 2 tahun.


Mekanisme Produk

Device/perangkat harus dihubungkan terlebih dahulu ke Lampu Philips Li-Fi. Setelah terhubung, device/perangkat akan langsung terkoneksi dengan internet selama berada dibawah jangkauan Cahaya Lampu Philips Li-Fi.

Keunggulan :

·     Harga yang terjangkau

·     Lampu Philips dengan teknologi Li-Fi hadirkan kecepatan internet hingga 150 Mbps

· Hemat energi - Lampu Philips dengan teknologi Li-Fi ini bisa menghemat hingga 80% penggunaan listrik

· Lampu Multifungsi – dapat digunakan sebagai penerangan dan juga menciptakan koneksi internet

·     Koneksi internet dan cahaya yang stabil

·     Cahaya yang lebih terang di bandingkan lampu merk lainnya

·     Desain yang elegan dan modern

·     Tahan lama


Strategi Pemasaran Produk

Target Pasar

Lampu Philips dengan teknologi Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) ini menargetkan konsumen khususnya pada perusahaan-perusahaan dan juga masyarakat kelas menengah ke atas yang tertarik dengan kemajuan teknologi. Lampu Philips ini diharapkan dapat menggantikan peran modem Wi-Fi dimasa depan.


Platform Pemasaran

1. Website Resmi Philips

Philips memperkenalkan produk terbarunya melalui website resmi Philips, lengkap dengan deskripsi produk, spesifikasi, keunggulan dan harga produk tersebut. Melalui website resminya, konsumen juga bisa melakukan pemesanan (pre-order) produk lampu berbasis teknologi Li-Fi ini.

2. Social Media dan Market Place

Philips juga akan memperkenalkan produk inovasinya dengan memanfaatkan platform social media seperti Instagram dan Youtube. Selain itu, konsumen juga dapat melakukan pemesanan melalui Official Philips di Lazada, Tokopedia dan juga Shopee.

3. Pameran / Event

Philips juga menggelar pameran launching product guna memperkenalkan produk terbarunya. Saat pameran/event berlangsung, philips juga mengadakan demo Lampu Philips Berbasis Teknologi Li-Fi, dengan harapan calon pembeli dapat tertarik dan mencoba menggunakan produk terbaru tersebut.


Strategi Penjualan

Produk inovasi ini juga akan diperkenalkan secara khusus melalui pameran, sehingga calon pembeli dapat mencoba secara langsung produk inovasi tersebut dan juga mendapatkan hadiah langsung. Philips juga menawarkan harga spesial berupa diskon 50% saat launching produk dan hadiah menarik bagi 50 pembeli pertama melalui Official Marketplace.

Rabu, 24 Juni 2020

[ Task 4 ]


[ Page 7 ]
1. The doctor made the patient stay in bed. (stay)
2. Mrs. Crane had her house painted. (paint)
3. The teacher had the class write a 2000-word research paper. (write)
4. Don got some kids in the neighborhood to clean out his garage. (clean)
5. We had a professional photographer take pictures of everyone in our wedding. (take)
6. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank filled. (fill)
7. I got Mary to lend me some money so I could go to a movie last night. (lend)

[ Page 15 ]
1. George is a careless writer. He writes carelessly.
2. Frank asked me an easy question. I answered it easily.
3. Ali speaks English very well. He has a very good pronunciation.
4. Hannah dance beautifully. She is a beautiful dancer.
5. Hugh sneaks in quietly. The house he is in is very quiet.

[ Page 16 ]
Which is the adverb or adjective?
1. I find this case unusual. ( Unusual = adjective )
2. He was nervous about it. ( Nervous = adjective )
3. I found the money easily. ( Easily = adverb )
4. We became thirsty. ( Thirsty = adjective )
5. He suddenly became suspicious. ( Suddenly = adverb & Suspicious = adjective )
6. He gets tired very quickly. ( Tired = adjective & Quickly = adverb )

[ Page 21 ]
Change the form A ® P or P ® A [ A = Active & P = Passive )
1. A : Tom opens the door.
P : The door is opened by Tom.

2. A : Shakespeare wrote that play.
P :  That play was written by Shakespeare.

3. P : The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher.
A : The teacher is going to explain the lesson.

4. A : When did someone invent the radio?
P : When was the radio invented by someone ?

5. A : Shirley has suggested a new idea.
P : A new idea has been suggested by Shirley.

6. A : Bill will invite Ann to the party.
P : Ann will be invited to the party by Bill.

7. P : Costumers are served by waitresses and waiters.
A : Waitresses and waiters serve costumers.

8. A : Does Prof. Jackson teach that course ?
P : Is that course taught by Prof. Jackson ?

9. P : I won’t be fooled by his tricks.
A : His tricks won’t fool me.

10. It rained hard yesterday.
[ No Change ]It is an intransitive verb and can’t be changed.
This sentence is cannot be changed because it does not have passive voice as it is an intransitive verb. The “Intransitive verb” is a one which do not have any direct object. In that sentence there will be no words to express who or what. There will be a word or a phrase followed by the intransitive verb. Most of the intransitive verb will be without the direct object.

[ Page 23 ]
Change it into passive voice using both indirect and direct object

1. Someone handed Ann a menu at the restaurant.

Indirect Object = Ann & Direct Object = a menu
Passive :
Ann was handed a menu at the restaurant.
A menu was handed to Ann at the restaurant.

2. They will send you a bill at the end of the month.
Indirect Object = You & Direct Object = a bill
Passive :
You will be sent a bill by them at the end of the month.
A bill will be sent to you by them at the end of the month.

Senin, 11 Mei 2020

[ Task 3 ]
  • Dialogue with a client on a product problem
  • Dialogue with a co-worker on the solution for the said complaint 
  • [ Simple Modal, Complex Modal, Ephistemic Modal, Periphrastic Modal and Say/Tell ]
  • Antecedents of pronouns and dangling constructions

Simple Modal, Complex Modal, Ephistemic Modal, Periphrastic Modal and Say/Tell 
Antecedents of Pronouns and Dangling Constructions

Hanny : Customer Service
Nina   : Client
Joni    : Co-worker (marketing department)

Dialogue with a client on a product problem
Hanny : Good afternoon. This is Hanny from Berrybenka Customer Service. (1)May I know who is calling please ?
Nina : Good afternoon too. This is Nina speaking.
Hanny : Alright Miss Nina, (1)Can I help you ?
Nina : Yes, I would like to make a complaint about my order.
Hanny : (1)May I know what is the complaint, Miss ?
Nina : Two days ago, I received the product that I bought from Berrybenka. I ordered a black dress and a white shirt, but I received a black dress and a pink shirt.
Hanny : (1)Can you tell me your order number in Berrybenka application, Miss?
Nina : Sure, 212953249.
Hanny : Well Miss Nina, I will check it first. Please wait a minute.
Nina : Okay
Hanny : Hello Miss Nina, thank you for waiting. I’m sorry to hear that, we apologize for the mistake. Our marketing department has confirmed about the white shirt was out of the stock by e-mail, we gave a choice whether you want to change the color or receive a refund, but after 2 days we didn’t receive an e-mail reply, so we decided to send another color.
Nina : But I didn’t get the e-mail.
Hanny : This is your e-mail address, is the e-mail addres right Miss Nina ?
Nina : No,, with double number one.
Hanny : I’m so sorry Miss Nina, there was a mistake with the e-mail address.
Nina : It’s okay. So, (1)can I return a pink shirt and receive a refund ?
Hanny : Yes, of course, you can return the product. For the refund system, you can see in Berrybenka application. After we receive the product, we will confirmation by e-mail for the refund. Is there anything else, you (1)would like me to help, Miss ?
Nina : No, that’s enough. Thank you.
Hanny : Sorry for the inconvenience, we will improve our service. Thank you Miss Nina for contacting Berrybenka Customer Service. Good Afternoon.

Dialogue with a co-worker on the solution for the said complaint
Hanny : Hi Joni, (1)can I speak to you ?
Joni : Yes, Miss Hanny. What’s wrong ? But I (4)have to go to a meeting at 16:00.
Hanny : Okay, no problem. I just want to tell you about something, I got a complaint from our customer about the product.
Joni : Why ? (1)Can you tell me ?
Hanny : She (5)told me that the product she received didn't match with her order. She ordered a black dress and a white shirt, then she received a black dress and a pink shirt. You have confirmed about the white shirt was out of the stock by e-mail, but the e-mail address was wrong so she didn’t get the email. She (5)said she will return the product.
Joni : (1)May I know the order number ?
Hanny : 212953249
Joni : Wait a minute, let me check it.
Hanny : Okay, I’m here waiting.
Joni : The white shirt was out of the stock, I have confirmed by e-mail but I didn’t receive an e-mail reply, so I decided to send another color. I’m so sorry, it is my mistake maybe I didn’t focus when writing the e-mail address.
Hanny : It’s Okay.
Joni: Well Miss Hanny. The product isn’t matched with her order, She (2)must be returning the product right now. So, I will check about the return product and after that I will process a refund.
Hanny : Okay. Next time, if there is a product that out of stock, you must send a confirmation e-mail to our customer. Don't forget to double check the e-mail address and make sure our customer receive the e-mail that we send to avoid misunderstanding. If you don't get an e-mail reply, so you can send the confirmation e-mail again. And you have to tell me too, so I can control it.
Joni : Well Miss Hanny. Thank you, I hope this mistake will not happen again. Next time, I will recheck the e-mail address and if there is a product that out of the stock I will send a confirmation e-mail to our customer and then I will send a confirmation e-mail to you.
Hanny : Okay, I hope that too. Next time, You must solve the problem as soon as possible. I (3)could trust you, because I know you can do it. Keep fighting.
Joni : Thank you for trusting me, I will do my best, the problem like this (3)might not happen again.
Hanny : Okay Jon.

(1) Simple Modal
May, Can, Would
May I know who is calling please ?
Can I help you ?
May I know what is the complaint, Miss ?
Can you tell me your order number in Berrybenka application, Miss ?
So, can I return a pink shirt and receive a refund ?
Is there anything else you would like me to help, Miss ?
Can I speak to you ?
Can you tell me ?
May I know the order number ?
(2) Complex Modal
The product isn’t matched with her order, She must be returning the product right now.
(3) Ephistemic Modal
Next time, You must solve the problem as soon as possible. I could trust you, because I know you can do it. Keep fighting.
Thank you for trusting me, I will do my best, the problem like this might not happen again.
(4) Periphrastic Modal
I have to go to a meeting at 16:00.
(5) Say/Tell
She told me that the product she received didn't match with her order.
She said she will return the product.

Antecedents of Pronouns and Dangling Constructions

A.   Antecedents of Pronouns
Antecedent is the grammatical term used to refer to the noun that a pronoun replaces. An antecedent comes before a pronoun. A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in gender and number. For example, if the antecedent is singular and female, the pronoun must refer to a single female. If the antecedent is plural, then the pronoun must be plural as well. It is important to make sure that your pronouns have clear antecedents. Sometimes the references are vague and the reader cannot figure out to whom a pronoun is referring.
Any time that you have a pronoun, you'll have an antecedent, even if it's not in the very same sentence. This makes sense; if we didn't have an antecedent for every pronoun, we'd be left with a lot of confusion.

Examples Antecedents of Pronouns :
·         Hanny and Angel have planned to take back their jobs.
[ Their = Hanny and Angel ]
·         Last night, Hanny took a book from her room.
[ Her = Hanny ]
·         Two days ago, Budi found his pen on the desk.
[ His = Budi ]
·         Last week, Hanny invited me to her party in Jakarta.
[ Her = Hanny ]
·         Budi is a badboy, I don’t like him.
[ Him = Budi ]
·         Many people had to lose their jobs because of corruption.
[ Their = People ]
·         Anto and Budi lose their wallets.
[ Their = Anto and Budi ]
·         The jury has reached its verdict.
[ Its = The Jury ]
·         Most of the flour fell out of its canister.
[ Its = Flour ]

B.  Dangling Constructions
A Dangling Construction is a group of words that the writer intends to be a modifier for a noun or phrase but the noun or phrase is not actually in the sentence. Instead, the modifier erroneously describes a noun or phrase that is in the sentence, sometimes with humorous results.
[ Dangling Modifiers ]
Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description. In clear, logical sentences, It is often found right next to-either in front of or behind-the target words they logically describe. Dangling modifiers are errors. Their poor construction confuses readers.

Examples Dangling Constructions :
·         After eating, the waiter gave me the bill.
[ The sentence grammar says the waiter did the eating but that's not what the writer really means ]
·         After reading the novel, the movie is going to be great.
·         Rolling down the hill, Budi saw an avalance of rocks approaching.
·         Wrapped in wax paper, the picnickers couldn't see if the sandwiches were tuna or egg salad.
·         After taking a month bicycle trip through Pine Forest, my cat ​​was happy to see me.

Similar to dangling modifiers are misplaced modifiers :
·         I saw birds on a trip to the zoo.
[ I hope the birds enjoyed their visit ]
·         I found a lottery ticket walking home.
·         Budi shot an elephant in his pajamas.
[ Budi never did explain how the elephant got into his PJ’s ]

Another Examples :
·         After eating on the street, her stomach usually hurts.
[ After eating on the street, she usually feels hurt on her stomach or After she eats on the street, her stomach usually hurts ]
·        Hungry, the leftover pizza was devoured.
Hungry is a single-word adjective. Notice that there is no one in the sentence for this modifier to describe. Fixing a dangling modifier will require more than rearranging the words in the sentence. something new is often need to be added so that the modifier finally has a target word to describe : Hungry, we devoured the leftover pizza ]